Be the First to Experience Snapss:
The Future of Brand Communication!
As a beta tester, you'll get exclusive early access to this groundbreaking platform, allowing you to experience firsthand the future of digital interactions.
Billed Monthly
Billed Yearly
(Save 20%)
(Save 20% billed yearly)
Snapss Enterprise
Build a 360 Brand
Customer relationship
100 new Smart Cards per month
15 push notifications per month
4 admin / scanner seats
10 Rewards
Points-based loyalty system
3 Geolocated Notifications
Gamification (Leaderboard - level system)
Up to 30 Catalogue products / Services
Integration system
Snapss Ultimate
Unlimited scale guaranteed
1500 new Smart Cards per month
Unlimited push notifications
20 admin / scanner seats
50 Rewards
Points-based loyalty system
25 Geolocated Notifications
Gamification (Leaderboard - level system)
Up to 200 Catalogue products / Services
Automation system
Integration system